Tuesday 30 April 2013

Meal Plan - 30/04/13 - 05/05/13

Hey Guys, 

lets be honest except for my post 2 weeks back, I've been very quiet for the last 2-3 months. I didn't stop writing because I wasn't enjoying it or because I felt like I wasn't getting a positive response, its really just been a case of me burning myself out. I'd started a new job after being unemployed for a couple of months, and on top of that I was running 2/3 nights a week, playing hockey 2 nights a week and also trying to keep up with my other interests. It's unsurprising that it all got a little too much and stuff started to give.
Butter Chicken Curry

I'd find that most nights I wouldn't really sit down to relax until about 8pm and half the time I'd end up just knocking something quick together to eat and watch the football. I was happy to spend time doing less demanding things and I couldn't be bothered to do my meal plans amongst other things.

For the most part I stayed healthy as I was exercising regularly and eating well (apart from eating worryingly large amounts of chocolate) though my running did suffer a bit due to my commitments to hockey. We had some important fixtures at the end of our season and I made the decision to not run for 2 weeks as I wanted to be as fit as possible for these games, this decision worked in the end as we survived the season. However after the season finished I went on tour for 5 days, and this took a huge physical toll on me and I missed another week or two of running. A week before my marathon I realised I hadn't done any running in nearly a month.
Scrambled Eggs
If you look onto my Strava profile the week before my run you can see the concerned messages from myself about how worried I felt for my run as I felt my fitness had been completely wiped out from 5 days of intense hockey and a month off anything else helpful. Fortunately my crash course in running for the last week before my race allowed me to get closer to where I wanted to be and I managed to beat my target time, though I can only imagine how well I could have done if I'd done more, maybe I could have done a sub 3 hour time?

Anyway moving away from my pathetic excuses, things have calmed down so I'll try and put some more effort into things, so lets move onto my meal plan for the week! This is a bit smaller then normal as I'm having it as a plan that starts from now(ish) as I've only just managed to get back from my food shop!

D: Spaghetti Bolognese
S: Peanut Butter on Toast

B: Muesli
S: Carrot Sticks
L: Ham Sandwich + Fruit
S: Raisins
D: Lightened Shepherd's Pie
S: Walnuts

B: Porridge
S: Almonds
L: Sandwich + Fruit
S: Protein Shake
D: Chicken Tikka Pita Bread
S: Banana

B: Scrambled Eggs on Toast
S: Carrot Sticks
L: Chicken Tikka Pita Bread
S: Almonds
D: Chicken Curry
S: Peanut Butter on Toast

B: Porridge
S: Power Bar
L: Omelette
S: Protein Shake
D: Leek and Potato Soup
S: Raisins

I'll try and make sure I get one of these up next week as well, No promises though.


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