Tuesday 30 April 2013

Meal Plan - 30/04/13 - 05/05/13

Hey Guys, 

lets be honest except for my post 2 weeks back, I've been very quiet for the last 2-3 months. I didn't stop writing because I wasn't enjoying it or because I felt like I wasn't getting a positive response, its really just been a case of me burning myself out. I'd started a new job after being unemployed for a couple of months, and on top of that I was running 2/3 nights a week, playing hockey 2 nights a week and also trying to keep up with my other interests. It's unsurprising that it all got a little too much and stuff started to give.
Butter Chicken Curry

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Brighton Marathon 2013

Hey..... Its been a while.....

So as a lot of you will have been aware I ran the Brighton Marathon last Sunday for Barnardos. This is one of the hardest things that I have ever done so I thought I'd get back onto blogging and go through how I felt leading up to the day and how the run went itself!
Worth running for

Thursday 14 February 2013

Review - Garmin Forerunner 10

Continuing with my running related posts, I've decided to do a review on my fairly recently bought Garmin Forerunner 10. I'm not doing this post because I'm getting a bit obsessed with running (though I may well be becoming a bit obsessed......) I'm doing this review because I really do love my Garmin, I wouldn't think of going out for a run without it, and I'd love to convince you to get one as it will do nothing but good!

What does it do?

Well, those of you familiar with Garmin as a brand will know that they deal with GPS devices, so basically this is a substitute for using your phone to track your results, but it differs in function and how it is used to give you a different end result.

I've mentioned many times before that I love to break my runs down into stats, so I knew that I'd enjoy this product as soon as I knew what it could do. It works in the same way as the GPS on your phone, it tracks your movement giving you a distance covered in your preferred unit (km or mile) and records your time for that run, and then uses this to work out average pace. This is where things get a bit different though, unlike with your phone, the information can be easily accessed during your run, so all you need to do is glance down at your wrist to see your pace / time / distance and also calories burned.

On top of these stats you can also use some of the additional features such as the auto pause that will automatically stop your timer when your movement stops, or alternatively you can pause with just the click of a button. There is also a virtual pace mode which you can set up for when you run a route that you have done before, which allows you to race against yourself, so to speak. The ease of being able to look at your current pace while on the go is great as it lets you know if you are over or under exerting yourself on your run, which is especially useful when you are training with a certain pace in mind!

All of the information from your run can then be uploaded onto your computer and viewed through Garmin Connect where you can really scrutinise the details of your activity!

How well does it Integrate with related things?

From the information you are given with the watch it seems to be designed to be used with Garmin Connect, which is the program / website that gives you all of the information about your runs. I find that the program itself contains some really great information from your runs but isn't the most user friendly, though it does give you some cool little options like being able to manually set personal records (If you have ever recorded 99m of a 100m and hit your best 100m then you will appreciate why I like this) as well recording PRs for set distances.
Various bits of Info from Garmin Connect
What is great though is that the lovely people at Strava have made their website Garmin friendly. Instead of using the Strava app on your phone, you can just upload the information from your Garmin straight onto the Strava website, giving you all of the information you can get off the  Garmin Connect page in a much more user friendly format. All of the benefits from Strava are transferred to your Garmin as a result so when you run through a segment, you can still compete against other runners with your times!

A couple of days ago Garmin released the app version of Garmin connect which is great for following your friends activities and also looking at your stats!

How much does it cost?

Garmins don't come cheap, and as far as I can tell this is probably the cheapest, I managed to pick mine up for £89.00 from Amazon, and I think this was the cheapest price you can get for it. Some of the other running Garmins can range up to about £300.00 with the cycling versions being even more expensive!
Data cable and charger!
It may sound a bit expensive considering it is really just a way of avoiding bringing your phone out on a run with you and having quicker access to your stats, but I'm still glad I shelled out for it. If anything I'm a bit gutted I didn't go for a more expensive one and get a few more features!

Is it worth getting?


I really really love my Garmin and it really does make me want to go out an run more, and anyone who looks at the feed about my runs will notice that the amount of runs I have done recently has shot up (except for the last week due to a sore knee and other commitments!).
Loading times can vary!
I'm not going to just tell you about all the things I like about this watch, It is worth pointing out some of the flaws. The GPS is not as good as you will find on your phone, you may have to wait for a minute outside to catch signal (many people will leave their watch outside before a run just to get signal) which can be a problem when you are going on a group run and can't stop to get a signal! The battery life also isn't terrific but is more then enough for a couple of long runs, so it isn't really a watch to wear every day! The only other real downside is the inability to attach a heart rate monitor so you can get some more in depth stats!

I'd consider this watch a beginners Garmin so anyone who wants to get serious with their running and has £90 spare should really consider investing in one of these!

Monday 11 February 2013

Meal Plan 10/02/13 - 16/02/13

Right, got off my arse and put this up on time this week. I've had a half decent week workout wise, didn't get as many runs in as I'd like though I did manage to play 2 games of hockey. All of the running on concrete seems to be taking its toll as I have had a couple of knee problems this week, nothing a bit of rest won't help cure and as I write this I'm feeling okay, but I may or may not have another rest day tomorrow (I'll see how I feel!).
Eggs, great for any meal

Thursday 7 February 2013

Meal Plan - 03/02/13 - 09/02/13

Well this is embarrassing.... This may well be the latest that I have uploaded a meal plan for the week. It may seem a bit pointless to be posting this with only 2 days remaining but I think it is important to show that while I have been too busy to post this that I am still doing it.

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Nutrition in Exercise

A couple of months ago I did a post on how the body makes energy which is a bit of a prelude to this post on how you should fuel yourself when you work out. This is a bit of a generalised view on nutrition as it can vary from sport to sport as you may find that you have different needs, but as a rough guide it is fairly thorough!
Smoothies are a great Pre exercise snack

Sunday 27 January 2013

Meal Plan 27/01/13 - 02/01813

The weather has taken it's toll on my health this week, I've always found that if I can't exercise I also struggle to eat well. Its strange I know, I guess I'm a sort of an all or nothing kind of person in this respect. When I workout I feel great and I feel motivated to eat well, but when I know I can't I sort fell like: "one take out pizza isn't going to kill me!". I'm not going act like last week was that bad for eating, I just know that I had a couple of bad meals and I ate more chocolate then I would have liked.
Healthy, delicious and easy to make