Thursday 7 February 2013

Meal Plan - 03/02/13 - 09/02/13

Well this is embarrassing.... This may well be the latest that I have uploaded a meal plan for the week. It may seem a bit pointless to be posting this with only 2 days remaining but I think it is important to show that while I have been too busy to post this that I am still doing it.

It has been a busy week for several reasons, I started a new job last week so I have less hours during the day that I can spend typing this up. On top of this I'm exercising harder then I ever have in my life. I've managed 6 runs in the past 11 days (running about 41 miles in the process), as well as playing hockey 3 times leaving me with only 2 rest days during this time. The rewards I'm getting though are completely worth it, I clocked a mile in 5:24 today which compared to 2 weeks ago is an improvement on my personal best by well over a minute, which to me seems unreal.

It is worth mentioning now that I've signed up to the Brighton Marathon, which is on the 14th of April. I'm raising money for Barnardos and a bit of warning I will be going on about this quite a bit until April, so save yourself some trouble now and go to my donation page here, I appreciate anything you can give whether it is only some change or a big donation (I like these the best). I'll post a rough training plan this weekend after I've finished my big run.

B: Muesli
S: Almonds
L: Roast Pork with veg
S: Scrambled eggs
D: Pasta Bake
S: Walnuts

B: Porridge
S: Pitaschio Nuts
L: Pasta Bake
S: Raisins
D: Beef and Ricotta Meatballs
S: Hazelnuts

B: Scrambled Eggs
S: Almonds
L: Sandwich with fruit
S: Protein Shake
D: Chicken Katsu
S: Peanut Butter on Toast


B: Muesli
S: Walnuts
L: Beef and Ricotta Meatballs
S: Protein Shake
D: Salmon fish cakes
S: Pistachio Nuts


B: Spinach Smoothie
S: Pistachio Nuts
L: Baked Potato Pizza
S: Power Bar
D: Butter Chicken Curry
S: Peanut Butter on Toast

B: Porridge
S: Cranberries
L: Sandwich with fruit
S: Banana
D: Shepherd's Pie
S: Protein Shake


B: Blueberry and Banana Smoothie
S: Power Bar
L: Chicken Pitas
S: Raisins
D: Shepherds's Pie
S: Cranberries

B: Breakfast
L: Lunch
D: Dinner
S: Snack

My food choices were a bit lazy this week, but I should have some more time to get a decent one done for next week (I'll try and get it in on time as well.... )

Lots of Love, 

Rich x

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