Monday 11 February 2013

Meal Plan 10/02/13 - 16/02/13

Right, got off my arse and put this up on time this week. I've had a half decent week workout wise, didn't get as many runs in as I'd like though I did manage to play 2 games of hockey. All of the running on concrete seems to be taking its toll as I have had a couple of knee problems this week, nothing a bit of rest won't help cure and as I write this I'm feeling okay, but I may or may not have another rest day tomorrow (I'll see how I feel!).
Eggs, great for any meal
I'm starting to get used to working life again, and while my lunches aren't anything special I am getting better meals than a sandwich in everyday for lunch. Okay so I still plan on having 2 sandwiches this week, but you can't really expect me to be interesting every lunch and prepare that much in advance, I'm only human!!! I'm getting some more pork into my diet as well this week so that I can add a bit of a different flavour to my diet and I'm quite excited to try the dish I have planned for Saturday night!
Pears? with Pork? its worth a look!
Overall my training is going well at the moment, and I feel great (besides, the slight niggles with my knee) and all of the extra cardio is clearly taking effect as I'm probably the thinnest I have ever been without having dropped the weight through illness, It is not like I've been eating that well either. While most my meals have been good I have indulged in a bit too much chocolate and other unhealthy options...... though most of these have come post workout when I've just been craving carbs. I'm not saying that I was right to eat as much chocolate as I have this week but I've done the work to earn the reward!

Anyway, here is my plan for the week ahead. I do plan to celebrate pancake day on tuesday, but whether I go for the usual sort of pancakes (lots of sugar and a bit greasy) or try and opt for a more healthy option (wholemeal version!) I'm not sure. I guess it will depend on how much I feel like I need the sugar after work!

B: Omelette
S: Pistachios
L: Roast Chicken
S: Orange

D: Steak with Veg
S: Hazelnuts


B: Porridge with Honey
S: Raisins
L: Meatballs

S: Pistachio Nuts
D: Chicken Stir fry
S: Peanut Butter on Toast


B: Scrambled Eggs on Toast
S: Banana
L: Sandwich
S: Protein Shake
D: Pancakes
S: Almonds


B: Muesli
S: Raisins
L: Pasta and Sauce
S: Walnuts
D: Curry
S: Cranberries


B: Spinach Smoothies
S: Cranberries
L: Sandwich with fruit
S: Protein Shake
D: Cajun Chicken
S: Peanut Butter on Toast


B: Porridge with Honey
S: Banana
L: Cajun Chicken
S: Almonds
D: Cauliflower Shepherd's Pie
S: Protein Shake


B: Blueberry and Banana Smoothie
S: Power Bar
L: Chicken Pita
S: Almonds
D: Pork Steaks baked with Pears and cheese
S: Walnuts

B: Breakfast
L: Lunch
D: Dinner
S: Snack

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