Thursday 13 December 2012

Running Clubs

I've always enjoyed the occasional run, but I've never really taken it too seriously. I've done a couple of half marathons in the past though I never really trained for them and apart from that I'd only do the odd run of a weekend. I've always wanted to do a full marathon though I've always been worried that I wouldn't have the commitment for the training and Id end up being on the eve of the race realising I'd only done a couple of 5K's
My new well broken in Running Top!

As running is a great for of cardio (and keeping fat levels to a minimum) I decided that I was finally going to aim to do my first full marathon. My aim is to do the 2013 Wolverhampton Marathon which I think should be in September, so I should have plenty of time to prepare. With my best half marathon time (no training) being 1:31, then I'm hoping with about 10 months work I can finish in 3:00 though I'd be pleased with anything sub 3:30, but as my old headmaster used to say "shoot for the moon, if you miss you'll end up among the stars!".

I've realised that I'll never find the motivation just to run on my own regularly (not yet anyway) so I decided to join a running club......
WARNING: May cause slips and will give you blisters
So I'm one session in and my feet have blisters and my calves are dying, BUT I feel fantastic. The session was difficult (and I'm told it was about a 6 rating) which is what I wanted, and there was loads of people there who made an effort to talk to me and help me get involved. Despite the achy legs and the blistered feet I'll definitely be going again. There is a good amount of quality to keep my competitive side going and there seems to be a good social side as I was invited to come for a drink afterwards.

Its early days yet, but I'm hoping this is the kick start of me taking my running seriously. It should also be a great balance to my weights sessions to get a bit bigger while staying lean at the same time! Unfortunately due to horrendous weather, moving house and unsuitable footwear I've only managed one session in the past 2 weeks, though I'm hoping that hockey has finished for Christmas I'll be more more encouraged to go, especially with the amount of delicious but unhealthy food I'll be eating over the next couple of weeks!

Any regular readers will notice a lack of posts over the last 2 weeks, well I've just moved house and I've not had internet for a couple of weeks so I've not been able to upload any posts. As of next week I should be back though and I'll try and make up for it by adding some more stuff!



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