Saturday 12 January 2013

Meal Plan 13/01/13 - 19/01/13

In terms of food and fitness last week was good, scratch that it was great! I ate well and worked hard, I probably went a bit too far in the CV direction, doing 4 sessions of high intensity CV to only 1 weights session. Though in all honesty I needed it, and after turning up to our hockey game to find we have no subs and being in a team that probably wasn't close to peak fitness I'm glad I did it. I reached half time and I don't think I'd been out of breath once, not to say I didn't work hard, I worked really hard, I just felt very fit.
Looks rough, tastes Nice
I didn't feel too bad the week before, but that was a friendly where I knew that I didn't need to work hard, so I didn't. The funny thing is, I know that I should do a weights session tomorrow, but all I want to do is do a nice 6 or 7 mile road run, I think I'll see how my legs feel Sunday morning and if they feel alive I'll do one in the morning while the roads are quiet and do a big weights session on Monday with the intention to do another on Wednesday morning!
Meatballs with bread!
Moving onto this weeks food...... I'm having another fish meal again this week as I have some salmon left over from last weeks shop and I wasn't overly impressed with last weeks Salmon Pesto, though I'd actually blame the pesto rather than the fish (I'm sure some of you will be shocked about my dislike of pesto!). I've spent some time working on what I want to eat this week, with some new entries in the form of stuffed peppers and spicy chicken nuggets (I'm very excited to make these!). I'm having a lot more protein shakes again as I just feel that I'm not getting enough protein in my diet, though I should really ramp up my weights workouts with this I think! I could do with finding some more snacks I think but for the time being various fruits and nuts will do, I might try with some raw vegetables in the coming weeks!

B: Scrambled eggs with toast
S: Raisins 
L: Roast Chicken Dinner
S: Orange
D: Leek and Potato Soup
S: Almonds

B: Porridge with Honey
S: Protein Shake
L: Chicken Sandwich
S: Banana
D: Chicken Stir fry
S: Walnuts


B: Muesli
S: Almonds
L: Turkey Stir fry
S: Protein Shake
D: Cajun Chicken
S: Peanut Butter on Toast

B: Scrambled Eggs
S: Orange
L: Meatballs with wholemeal bread
S: Power bar
D: Blueberry and Banana Smoothie
S: Pistachio Nuts

B: Spinach Smoothie
S: Almonds
L: Stuffed Peppers
S: Protein shake
D: Chicken Curry
S: Banana

B: Muesli
S: Raisins
L: Salmon Burgers
S: Orange
D: Baked Spicy Chicken Nuggets
S: Protein Shake

B: Blueberry and Banana Smoothie
S: Power Bar
L: Chicken Pita's
S: Chocolate
D: Home made Pizza
S: Probably left over Pizza!

B: Breakfast
L: Lunch
D: Dinner
S: Snack

If you have any nice healthy recipes send me a message or leave a comment I'd love to give them a try.

Have a nice week.


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